On-chip sample preparation by electrowetting-on-dielectric digital microfluidics for matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.

Moon H, Wheeler AR, Garrell RL, Loo JA, and Kim C-J. “On-chip sample preparation by electrowetting-on-dielectric digital microfluidics for matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry.” Tech. Dig. - IEEE Int Conf Micro Electro Mech. Syst. (MEMS), 18th 2005; 859-862.

The Cell-Shape Protein MreC Interacts With Extracytoplasmic Proteins Including Peptidoglycan Assembly Complexes in Caulobacter crescentus.

Divakaruni AV, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Xie Y, Loo JA, and Gober JW. “The Cell-Shape Protein MreC Interacts With Extracytoplasmic Proteins Including Peptidoglycan Assembly Complexes in Caulobacter crescentus.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2005; 102: 18602-18607.

Host-Defense Carbohydrate-Binding Molecules Can Inhibit Viral Fusion and Entry by Crosslinking Membrane Glycoproteins.

Leikina E, Delanoe-Ayari H, Melikov KC, Cho M-S, Chen A, Waring AJ, Wang W, Xie Y, Loo JA, Lehrer RI, and Chernomordik LV. “Host-Defense Carbohydrate-Binding Molecules Can Inhibit Viral Fusion and Entry by Crosslinking Membrane Glycoproteins.” Nature Immunol 2005; 6: 995-1001.

The Murine Cardiac 26S Proteasome: An Organelle Awaiting Exploration.

Gomes AV, Zong C, Edmondson RD, Berhane BT, Wang G-W, Le S, Young G, Zhang J, Vondriska TM, Whitelegge JP, Jones RC, Joshua IG, Thyparambil S, Pantaleon D, Qiao J, Loo J, and Ping P. “The Murine Cardiac 26S Proteasome: An Organelle Awaiting Exploration.” Ann NY Acad Sci 2005; 1047: 197–207.

Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility Analysis of the 20S Proteasome Complex.

Loo JA, Berhane B, Kaddis CS, Wooding KM, Xie Y, Kaufman SL, and Chernushevich IV. “Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Ion Mobility Analysis of the 20S Proteasome Complex.” J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2005; 16: 998-1008.

Use of a Fluorescent Phosphoprotein Dye to Characterize Oxidative Stress-induced Signaling Pathway Components in Macrophage and Epithelial Cultures Exposed to Diesel Exhaust Particle Chemicals.

Wang M, Xiao GG, Li N, Xie Y, Loo JA, and Nel AE “Use of a Fluorescent Phosphoprotein Dye to Characterize Oxidative Stress-induced Signaling Pathway Components in Macrophage and Epithelial Cultures Exposed to Diesel Exhaust Particle Chemicals.” Electrophoresis 2005; 26: 2092-2108.

Large-scale identification of proteins in human salivary proteome by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis-mass spectrometry.

Hu S, Xie Y, Ramachandran P, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Li Y, Loo JA, and Wong DT. “Large-scale identification of proteins in human salivary proteome by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis-mass spectrometry.” Proteomics 2005; 5: 1714-1728.

Oligomers of ErbB3 Have Two Distinct Interfaces That Differ in Their Sensitivity to Disruption by Heregulin.

Kani K, Warren CM, Kaddis CS, Loo JA, and Landgraf R. “Oligomers of ErbB3 Have Two Distinct Interfaces That Differ in Their Sensitivity to Disruption by Heregulin.” J Biol Chem 2005; 280: 8238-8247.

Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Side-to-Side Proteomics with Virtual 2-D Gels.

Ogorzalek Loo RR, Hayes R, Yang Y, Hung F, Ramachandran P, Kim N, Gunsalus R, and Loo JA. “Top-Down, Bottom-Up, and Side-to-Side Proteomics with Virtual 2-D Gels.” Int J Mass Spectrom 2005; 240: 317-325.

Digital Microfluidics with In-line Sample Purification for Proteomics Analyses with MALDI-MS.

Wheeler AR, Moon H, Bird CA, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Kim CJ, Loo JA, and Garrell RL. “Digital Microfluidics with In-line Sample Purification for Proteomics Analyses with MALDI-MS.” Anal Chem 2005; 77: 534-540.

Nitrotyrosine-Modified Proteins and Oxidative Stress Induced by Diesel Exhaust Particles.

Xiao GG, Nel AE, and Loo JA. “Nitrotyrosine-Modified Proteins and Oxidative Stress Induced by Diesel Exhaust Particles.” Electrophoresis 2005; 26: 280-292.