Human body fluid proteome analysis.

Phosphorylation of the ATP-binding loop directs oncogenicity of drug-resistant BCR-ABL mutants.

Skaggs BK, Gorre ME, Ryvkin A, Burgess MR, Xie Y, Han Y, Komisopoulou E, Brown LM, Loo JA, Landaw EM, Sawyers CL, Graeber TG. “Phosphorylation of the ATP-binding loop directs oncogenicity of drug-resistant BCR-ABL mutants.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006; 103: 19466-19471.

Hu S, Loo JA, and Wong DT. “Human body fluid proteome analysis.” Proteomics 2006; 6: 6326–6353.

Human Saliva Proteome and Transcriptome.

Hu S, Li Y, Wang J, Xie Y, Tjon K, Wolinsky L, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Loo JA, and Wong DT. “Human Saliva Proteome and Transcriptome.” J Dent Res 2006; 85: 1129-1133.

Top-Down ESI-ECD-FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry Localizes Noncovalent Protein-Ligand Binding Sites.

Xie Y, Zhang J, Yin S, and Loo JA. “Top-Down ESI-ECD-FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry Localizes Noncovalent Protein-Ligand Binding Sites.” J Am Chem Soc 2006; 128: 14432-14433.

ADAMTS1 mediates the release of antiangiogenic polypeptides from TSP1 and 2.

Lee NV, Sao M, Annis DS, Loo JA, Wu L, Mosher DF, and Iruela-Arispe ML. “ADAMTS1 mediates the release of antiangiogenic polypeptides from TSP1 and 2.” EMBO J 2006; 25: 5270-5283.

The Vault Exterior Shell is a Dynamic Structure that Allows Incorporation of Vault-Associated Proteins into its Interior.

Poderycki MJ, Kickhoefer VA, Kaddis CS, Raval-Fernandes S, Johansson E, Zink JI, Loo JA, and Rome LH. “The Vault Exterior Shell is a Dynamic Structure that Allows Incorporation of Vault-Associated Proteins into its Interior.” Biochemistry 2006; 45: 12184-12193.

Integrated Digital Microfluidic Chip for Multiplexed Proteomic Sample Preparation and Analysis by MALDI-MS.

Moon, H, Wheeler AR, Garrell RL, Loo JA, and Kim C-J. “Integrated Digital Microfluidic Chip for Multiplexed Proteomic Sample Preparation and Analysis by MALDI-MS.” Lab-on-a-Chip 2006; 6: 1213-1219.

Identification of N-Linked Glycoproteins in Human Saliva by Glycoprotein Capture and Mass Spectrometry.

Ramachandran P, Boontheung P, Xie Y, Sondej M, Wong DT, and Loo JA. “Identification of N-Linked Glycoproteins in Human Saliva by Glycoprotein Capture and Mass Spectrometry.” J Proteome Res, 2006; 5: 1493-1503.