The cardiolipin transacylase, tafazzin, associates with two distinct respiratory components providing insight into Barth Syndrome.

Claypool SM, Boontheung P, McCaffery JM, Loo JA, and Koehler CM. “The cardiolipin transacylase, tafazzin, associates with two distinct respiratory components providing insight into Barth Syndrome.” Mol Biol Cell 2008; 19: 5143-5155.

Reactive-Electrospray-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (Reactive-ELDI) for Characterization of Peptides and Proteins.

Peng IX, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Shiea J, and Loo JA. “Reactive-Electrospray-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (Reactive-ELDI) for Characterization of Peptides and Proteins.” Anal Chem 2008; 80: 6995-7003.

Connecting actin monomers by iso-peptide bond is a toxicity mechanism of the Vibrio cholerae MARTX toxin.

Kudryashov DS, Oztug Durer ZA, Ytterberg AJ, Sawaya MR, Pashkov I, Prochazkova K, Yeates TO, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Loo JA, Fullner Satchell KJ, and Reisler E. “Connecting actin monomers by iso-peptide bond is a toxicity mechanism of the Vibrio cholerae MARTX toxin.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2008; 105: 18537-18542.

Mass Spectrometry of Protein-Ligand Complexes: Enhanced Gas Phase Stability of Ribonuclease-Nucleotide Complexes.

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Comparison of N-Linked Glycoproteins in Human Whole Saliva, Parotid, Submandibular, and Sublingual Glandular Secretions Identified using Hydrazide Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry.

Ramachandran P, Boontheung P, Pang E, Yan W, Wong DT, and Loo JA. “Comparison of N-Linked Glycoproteins in Human Whole Saliva, Parotid, Submandibular, and Sublingual Glandular Secretions Identified using Hydrazide Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry.” Clin Proteomics 2008; 4: 80-104.

Cardiolipin defines the interactome of the major ADP/ATP carrier protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane.

Claypool SM, Oktay Y, Boontheung P, Loo JA, and Koehler CM. “Cardiolipin defines the interactome of the major ADP/ATP carrier protein of the mitochondrial inner membrane.” J Cell Biol 2008; 182: 937-950.

A proteomic approach to differential mouse strain sensitivity to cadmium-induced forelimb teratogenesis.

Chen H, Boontheung P, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Xie Y, Loo JA, Rao J-Y, and Collins MD. “A proteomic approach to differential mouse strain sensitivity to cadmium-induced forelimb teratogenesis.” Birth Def Res A: Clin Mol Teratol 2008; 82: 187-199.

The Proteomes of Human Parotid and Submandibular/Sublingual Gland Salivas Collected as the Ductal Secretions.

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Human Proteinpedia: A portal for sharing and integration of human protein data.

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Salivary Proteomics for Oral Cancer Biomarker Discovery.

Hu S, Arellano M, Boontheung P, Wang J, Zhou H, Jiang J, Elashoff D, Wei R, Loo JA, and Wong DT. “Salivary Proteomics for Oral Cancer Biomarker Discovery.” Clin Cancer Res 2008; 14: 6246-6252.

Mapping the cofilin binding site on yeast G-actin by chemical cross-linking.

Grintsevich EE, Benchaar SA, Warshaviak D, Boontheung P, Halgand F, Whitelegge JP, Faull KF, Ogorzalek Loo RR, Sept D, Loo JA, and Reilser E. “Mapping the cofilin binding site on yeast G-actin by chemical cross-linking.” J Mol Biol 2008: 377; 395-409.