CryoEM structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei archaellum reveals structural features distinct from the bacterial flagellum and type IV pili.

Poweleit, N., Ge, P., Nguyen, H.H., Ogorzalek Loo, R.R., Gunsalus, R.P., Zhou, H.Z. “CryoEM structure of the Methanospirillum hungatei archaellum reveals structural features distinct from the bacterial flagellum and type IV pili.” Nature microbiology, 2016, 2(1622)

Membrane Complexes of Syntrophomonas wolfei Involved in Syntrophic Butyrate Degradation and Hydrogen Formation.

Crable, B.R., Sieber, J.R, Mao, X., Alvarez-Cohen, L., Gunsalus, R.P., Ogorzalek Loo, R.R., Nguyen, H.H., McInerney, M.J. “Membrane Complexes of Syntrophomonas wolfei Involved in Syntrophic Butyrate Degradation and Hydrogen Formation.” Front Microbiol., 2016, 7:1795

Pyrophosphate-Dependent ATP Formation from Acetyl Coenzyme A in Syntrophus aciditrophicus, a New Twist on ATP Formation.

James, K.L., Rios-Hernandez, L.A., Wofford, N.Q., Mouttaki, H., Sieber, J.R., Sheik, C.S., Nguyen, H.H., Yang, Y., Xie, Y., Erde, J., Rohlin, L., Karr, E.A., Loo, J.A., Ogorzalek Loo, R.R., Hurst, G.B., Gunsalus, R.P., Szweda, L.I., McInerney, M.J. “Pyrophosphate-Dependent ATP Formation from Acetyl Coenzyme A in Syntrophus aciditrophicus, a New Twist on ATP Formation.” 2016, 7(4): e01208-16

Native MS Analysis of Bacteriorhodopsin and an Empty Nanodisc by Orthogonal Acceleration Time-of-Flight, Orbitrap and Ion Cyclotron Resonance.

Campuzano, I.D. ,Li, H., Bagal, D., Lippens, J.L., Svitel, J., Kurzeja, R.J.M., Xu, H., Schnier, P.D., Loo, J.A. “Native MS Analysis of Bacteriorhodopsin and an Empty Nanodisc by Orthogonal Acceleration Time-of-Flight, Orbitrap and Ion Cyclotron Resonance.” Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (24), pp 12427–12436

Salt Bridge Rearrangement (SaBRe) Explains the Dissociation Behavior of Noncovalent Complexes.

Ogorzalek Loo RR, and Loo JA. “Salt Bridge Rearrangement (SaBRe) Explains the Dissociation Behavior of Noncovalent Complexes.“ J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. (2016) 27: 975

S2'-subsite variations between human and mouse enzymes (plasmin, factor XIa, kallikrein) elucidate inhibition differences by TFPI-2 domain1-wildtype, Leu17Arg-mutant and aprotinin.

Vadivel, K., Kumar, Y., Ogueli, G.I., Ponnuraj, S.M., Wongkongkathep, P., Loo, J.A., Bajaj, M.S., Bajaj, S.P. “S2'-subsite variations between human and mouse enzymes (plasmin, factor XIa, kallikrein) elucidate inhibition differences by TFPI-2 domain1-wildtype, Leu17Arg-mutant and aprotinin.” J Thromb Haemost 2016; 14: 2509–23

Combining High-throughput MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and Isoelectric Focusing Gel Electrophoresis for Virtual 2D Gel-based Proteomics.

Lohnes K, Quebbemann NR, Liu K, Kobzeff F, Loo JA, and Ogorzalek Loo RR. “Combining High-throughput MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry and Isoelectric Focusing Gel Electrophoresis for Virtual 2D Gel-based Proteomics.” Methods (2016), 104: 163-169.

Traumatically injured astrocytes release a proteomic signature modulated by STAT3-dependent cell survival.

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Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Dimer with Superagonist In Vitro Activity Improves Granulation Tissue Formation During Wound Healing Biomaterials.

Decker CG, Wang Y, Paluck SJ, Shen L, Loo JA, Levine AJ, Miller LS, and Maynard HD. “Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Dimer with Superagonist In Vitro Activity Improves Granulation Tissue Formation During Wound Healing Biomaterials.” Biomaterials (2016), 81:157-168.

A multifunctional chemical cue drives opposing demographic processes and structures ecological communities

Zimmer RK, Ferrier GA, Kim SJ, Kaddis CS, Zimmer CA, and Loo JA. “A multifunctional chemical cue drives opposing demographic processes and structures ecological communities” Ecology (2016), 97: 2232–2239. doi:10.1002/ecy.1455

MULTIFUNCin: A Multifunctional Protein Cue Induces Habitat Selection by, and Predation on, Barnacles

Ferrier GA, Kim SJ, Kaddis CS, Loo JA, Zimmer CA, and Zimmer RK. “MULTIFUNCin: A Multifunctional Protein Cue Induces Habitat Selection by, and Predation on, Barnacles” Integr Comp Biol 2016; 56 (5): 901–913. doi: 10.1093/icb/icw076